Rachael E. DuBose, M.S.Ed., LPCC-S, CCTP began her journey in the mental health field in 2010 as a community psychiatric supportive treatment provider and has been a licensed mental health counselor in the state of Ohio since 2012. She graduated with a Bachelor's degree in International and Development Studies from The Ohio State University in 2006 and from the University of Dayton in 2012 with a Master of Science in Education in Counselor Education. Rachael was inspired to create Be the Light Clinical Supervision and Consulting when her friend, Tiara, passed away from acute myeloid leukemia in November 2014. Tiara's memorial service eulogist asked the congregation what they planned to do with the light Tiara gave to everyone she encountered, because she herself, was a light. Be the Light's mission is to fight the stigma of mental illness, especially in historically excluded communities, through advocacy, empowerment, and education, while encouraging every person to, "Find YOUR light, BE the light, and Turn your light UP!"